
Cloud Autism

My Role

Product Designer

UI/UX Designer


February 2021 — May 2021


Target Audience Research

Proof of Concept

User Research

User Personas

Case Study Presentation

User Task Prototypes


Adobe Illustrator

Adobe Photoshop



Cloud Autism is a...

Project to provide computer-based learning platform and educational exercises to assist kids who are diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder.

Providing a variety of various typing, mouse-related, and other computer exercises will provide kids diagnosed with ASD not only fine motor skill practice, but will also provide more familiarity with the programs and uses a computer can offer.

Project Timeline

Cloud Autism Project Timeline

Problem Statement

One in 68 children
in the United States are diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Recent events such as the Covid-19 pandemic have forced a lot of kids with Autism to continue their education online. Many of these kids with ASD have little proficiency in using a computer as part of the classroom so they have a much harder time learning from home. Currently, there aren't many computer programs that assist kids with ASD with computer and typing proficiency.

Competitor Analysis

Competitor Analysis

Target Audience Research

Target Audience Research

Mood Board

Mood Board

User Testing

User Persona
User Story
User Task
Paper Prototype Test - User Scenario
Paper Prototype Test - User Task
Paper Prototype Test - Computer Proficiency
Paper Prototype Test - Typing Proficiency
Paper Prototype Test - Mouse Proficiency


Branding - Logo Layouts
Branding - Color and Typography
Branding - Logo Usages
Branding - Forbidden Logo Usages


Cloud Autism - Home Page
Cloud Autism - Daily Learning Session
Cloud Autism - Custom Rewards System
Cloud Autism - Computer Proficiency Lesson
Cloud Autism - Typing Proficiency Lesson
Cloud Autism - Mouse Proficiency Lesson

Click Here to View All Proficiency Lesson Prototypes


Project Takeaway

Other Projects